I love this recipe from Casa de Sante
350 g firm tofu
150 ml dark gluten free soy sauce
1 teaspoon @casadesante organic bbq coffee rub
1 tbsp garlic oil
2 tbsp maple syrup
To serve:
cooked noodles
baby spinach
beans (canned butter beans or black beans)
cherry tomatoes
fresh parsley
lemon sliced
sesame seeds
Slice tofu into 5mm thin slices. Make the marinade. In a bowl combine soy sauce, bbq coffee rub, oil and maple syrup. Add in the tofu slices and leave to marinate for 30 minutes. Preheat oven to 180C and spray a baking tray with oil. Arrange tofu slices on the prepared baking tray and bake for 15 minutes. Take out from the oven and don’t turn the heat off. Flip each tofu slice and brush with a little marinade. Pop the tray back in the oven and bake for another 10 minutes or until crispy brown.
**The tofu can also be marinated and dehydrated to set the flavor.
Army. . . in the Raw
This blog started as a odyssey of eating Live Food Raw Vegan while I was in the military overseas and the challenges I had to actually FIND food to eat. Now I am stateside and eating is much better and I am a full fledged Flexitarian. My diet consists of Vegetarian, Vegan and Raw depending where I am and whats available.
About Me

- Chef V. Su'Rae
- I live on purpose. Meaning, I have a purposeful life. Nearly 28 years in every branch of the United States Army. Successful business owner, Avid student, Insightful teacher, Staunch Advocate, Fierce competitor and overall Social butterfly. I am a full-time teacher and student, I give as good as I get while continually evolving into what I will actually be known and remembered for once I no longer grace the visible plane. Learning vicariously through the actions of others has served me well, and helped me to get immersed in a vast arena of pursuits over the years. I cherish my internal solitude, while nourishing my social butterfly nature. I simply. . . AM! As said by Yoda. . . Do, or do not do. There is no try. So, Eat live to live well, sing like you're in the shower, dance like no ones watching, love like you've never been hurt and eat the rainbow without counting calories.
Saturday, April 18, 2020
Fooling some of the people all of the time
On this page lie some insightful and sometimes contradictory videos about eating, healing, food and the raw food lifestyle (I enjoy seeing these things every now and then).
The thing about anything new (not necessarily new but currently popular), is that people with absolutely NO experience, NO training, NO independent learning and no Self discerning investigation practices and no pro activity at all, will spit their fears and ignorance (albeit often well meaning) in the name of what is good, bad, safe, unsafe, will or will not work all over your exploration for self health management and independence.
Which is why I picked this title:
You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time. Abraham Lincoln
So, what does all this mean? If the choices you have been allowed to make all your adult life for yourself has gotten you filled with calcium buildup all in your joints, indescribable aches and pains in several places over your body, horrible skin disorders, multiple surgeries, no peace of mind, no mental clarity, very little motivation, a dwindling sex drive and blah, blah, blah...Then you my friend are a living example of the Abraham Lincoln quote of being the some that are fooled all of the time.
When do you transition into the some that are not fooled at all?
How can you see whats not good in your life, health and well-being and have little or no desire to confront and correct it?
How can you get a headache every time you eat at a particular restaurant and justify living with the headache and eating there weekly because "it's your favorite restaurant".
How do you ignore the continual lack of intimacy in your relationship, low libido, no libido. . . and just go to work every day, come home in the evening and not have a pressing desire to remedy that low or no function in your life?
We live in a society where the solution is a PILL for every ILL.
You are readily willing to take a pill for a headache that has 75 side effects yet you want to investigate for three or four weeks a solution of eating 30 bananas a day to see if somebody thinks its alright or safe.
Be where you are and take your time to become the best you that you can be. Live on purpose with purpose and you can be the catalyst for the best there is to come in your life. It just takes a chance to make a new choice.
On this page lie some insightful and sometimes contradictory videos about eating, healing, food and the raw food lifestyle (I enjoy seeing these things every now and then).
The thing about anything new (not necessarily new but currently popular), is that people with absolutely NO experience, NO training, NO independent learning and no Self discerning investigation practices and no pro activity at all, will spit their fears and ignorance (albeit often well meaning) in the name of what is good, bad, safe, unsafe, will or will not work all over your exploration for self health management and independence.
Which is why I picked this title:
You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time. Abraham Lincoln
So, what does all this mean? If the choices you have been allowed to make all your adult life for yourself has gotten you filled with calcium buildup all in your joints, indescribable aches and pains in several places over your body, horrible skin disorders, multiple surgeries, no peace of mind, no mental clarity, very little motivation, a dwindling sex drive and blah, blah, blah...Then you my friend are a living example of the Abraham Lincoln quote of being the some that are fooled all of the time.
When do you transition into the some that are not fooled at all?
How can you see whats not good in your life, health and well-being and have little or no desire to confront and correct it?
How can you get a headache every time you eat at a particular restaurant and justify living with the headache and eating there weekly because "it's your favorite restaurant".
How do you ignore the continual lack of intimacy in your relationship, low libido, no libido. . . and just go to work every day, come home in the evening and not have a pressing desire to remedy that low or no function in your life?
We live in a society where the solution is a PILL for every ILL.
You are readily willing to take a pill for a headache that has 75 side effects yet you want to investigate for three or four weeks a solution of eating 30 bananas a day to see if somebody thinks its alright or safe.
Be where you are and take your time to become the best you that you can be. Live on purpose with purpose and you can be the catalyst for the best there is to come in your life. It just takes a chance to make a new choice.
Friday, May 24, 2019
The simple life
One of my favorites is the one and only Arnold Ehret of the famous mucous-less diet
The writings of this man from late 1800 to early 1900's are spell binding
“Most people do not die, they kill themselves with their knives and forks.” – DugaldSemple quoted in a piece in – The Glasgow Herald – Oct 12, 1953 Google this guy
One of my favorites is the one and only Arnold Ehret of the famous mucous-less diet
The writings of this man from late 1800 to early 1900's are spell binding
“Most people do not die, they kill themselves with their knives and forks.” – DugaldSemple quoted in a piece in – The Glasgow Herald – Oct 12, 1953 Google this guy
Dugald Semple
It is now sixty years since [around the turn of the century] I began to live the simple life in an old bell tent amongst the peat bogs at Linwood Moss. Soon afterwards, I added an old Paisley bus for the winter months, so I had one room with walls of cloth and the other with as much glass as wood – twelve windows in a wooden house on wheels! At that time I was working as a draftsman in an engineering shop at Linwood, and through camping during my summer holidays had a longing for freedom and a more natural mode of living. It seemed to me that so-called civilization was all wrong which compelled folks to work so hard most of the year that they could only get a few weeks’ rest at Fair time. It was “getting a living”, not “living”.
After a short stay at the Moss, I was in love with the open-air life, even though it was mostly during weekends. The birds were such friendly companions, and I believe the rabbits thought I was playing at a “wee hoose” But O dear! the crowds which came to see me on Sundays were no small problem, especially after the newspapers sent thousands to see “The Hermit Of Linwood Moss.”
Truly, it was most embarrassing, especially as I was still following my occupation as usual. Unfortunately, the crowds caused my removal to Bridge Of Weir, where I camped on the banks of the River Gryfe. Here I began my first attempts at writing to the press, largely through the influence of Neil Munro, who wrote a very interesting article about “A Wild Flower By The Gryfe”. The Paisley Gazette helped me considerably by appointing me reporter for the tanning village, and publishing a series of articles about my “Simple Life Visitors” which was later published in book form.
Soon afterwards I left the engineering and stayed at Goldenlea near the Ladeside for about nine years. Then I went caravaning and gave lectures in villages along the West of Scotland chiefly. During the First World War, I was lecturer at the Food Economy Exhibitions in London. Next, I went with my wife from Kilmarnock to work a little fruit farm on the hills near Beith, continuing also for many years as a nature writer to the Glasgow Bulletin. Now I live in the pretty little village of Fairlie, but in summer stay a good deal by the shores of Kintyre, where I take photographs and write books on my open-air life.
How I Live-
I am an early riser, as the postman said the other morning when he saw me shaking my blankets outside at 6:30a.m. My first occupation is to wash myself from head to foot with cold water, then dress quickly, boil some water from the village water supply to evaporate the chlorine gas, and then take a warm lemon juice drink. Next I usually go for a little run or walk by the seashore. Of course, I look too for any driftwood which will keep the home fires burning.
My first meal is about 8 a.m., when I eat an apple or pear, finishing with a little dish of soaked raisins or other dried fruit. Then I deal with my correspondence and get busy writing until about noon. It is then time for dinner, which usually consists first of a few ounces of flaked nuts, a large helping of raw salad, baked potatoes in their skins, and to finish, a few dates or prunes with nut cream. After dinner I rest a little or read the papers, then do some work in the garden for most of the afternoon.
When the weather is fine, I make for the seashore and perhaps take some nature photos. On other days I go for long walks to study nature or to visit friends. My last meal is about 5:30p.m., when I take a light salad meal – more green leaf than root vegetables – with perhaps a baked potato and nut butter. Occasionally I take an entire fruit meal. I never drink at meals, but take a little cold water or orange juice when thirsty, as at first thing in the morning. During the evening I write or read a little, go for a short walk or tune in to the wireless. Bed time is at 9:30, except when I have to give lectures. I try to get my best sleep before midnight. The above may seem somewhat austere to many people, but I am no ascetic and hope to show that I enjoy to the full my simple way of living.
With regard to the cost of my food-reform diet, I find that this need not be too expensive, provided one can grow most vegetables and some bush fruit. One must also get to know something about food values. Personally, I began rather drastically over 50 years ago by cutting out not only all meat or flesh foods, but milk, eggs, butter, tea and coffee. Cheese I have never eaten; indeed I hate the very smell of this decayed milk. Next, I adopted a diet of nuts, fruit, cereals and vegetables. On this Edenic fare I lived for some ten years, and found that my health and strength were greatly improved. Probably this was also because I lived more in the fresh air and closer to Nature.
While I was in London (during World War I), I found it necessary to add some dairy products to my meals, but on returning to Scotland I gradually eliminated these again. During these few years I have discovered that an uncooked diet of nuts, fruits, raw cereals, and salad vegetables, is best of all. Cooked food is dead food, and leads not only to overeating – the chief cause of disease – but as in the case of hot tea and coffee, merely stimulates instead of nourishing the body. The only food, practically, that I cook is the potato; and that is because I can control so easily its composted growth in healthy soil.
Health And Happiness-
What, then, have I to say after all these years of living close to Nature? I have never regretted the day I tried to simplify my life by following the Light Within. It has not only brought me more health and happiness but enabled me to be of more service to others. Since I left the towns to live in the country, life has become brighter for me every day. To know and feel that there is only one life which manifests itself in the seen and unseen is the guiding star that has helped me all these joyful years.
All life is one. I would plead therefore for a more beautiful way of living, a more humane science, and a better understanding of what is meant by progress. The gist of my philosophy of living is that each one must grow from one’s own stem. The Light Within is free and applicable by all. The simple life is a principle which each one must apply according to one’s own capacity. Personally, I have no creed, system, or teaching, because I feel that I must always live by the inspiration of the moment.
As to my future, I live in faith that what has kept me so well and happy all these years will never fail me. If, indeed, we say it in our hearts – meaning it – that life is love and love is life, there can be no higher solution to all eternity.
Refreshing and Infused water
Fruit & Herb Flavored Water
I love when I find things that are already out there that reflect my own way of doing something. Thanks Monica for sharing!!
By Monica Servings: 6-8 servings https://www.theyummylife.com/Flavored_Water
- fruit -- 2 cups berries, citrus, melons, pineapple...most fruits will work (see recommended amounts in directions)
- herbs -- a sprig of mint, basil, sage, rosemary, tarragon, thyme, or lavender
- water (tap or filtered)
- ice
Supplies needed: 2 quart pitcher or jar with lid; muddler or wooden spoon
General formula for whatever fruit/herb combo you desire.
1. If using herbs, add a sprig of fresh herbs to jar/pitcher; press and twist with muddler or handle of wooden spoon to bruise leaves and release flavor; don't pulverize the herbs into bits.
2. Add approx. 2 cups of fruit to jar/pitcher; press and twist with muddler or handle of wooden spoon, just enough to release some of the juices
3. Fill jar/pitcher with ice cubes.
4. Add water to top of jar/pitcher.
5. Cover and refrigerate for up to 3 days.
Suggested flavor combinations:
ALL CITRUS (no herbs) -- Slice 1 orange, 1 lime, 1 lemon into rounds, then cut the rounds in half. Add to jar and proceed with muddling, add ice & water.
RASPBERRY LIME (no herbs) -- Quarter 2 limes; with your hands, squeeze the juice into the jar, then throw in the squeezed lime quarters. Add 2 cups raspberries. Muddle, add ice & water.
PINEAPPLE MINT -- Add a sprig of mint to the jar (you can throw in the whole sprig; or, remove the leaves from the sprig, if you prefer to have the mint swimming around and distributing in the jar). Muddle the mint. Add 2 cups pineapple pieces, muddle, add ice & water.
BLACKBERRY SAGE -- Add sage sprig to jar and muddle. Add 2 cups blackberries; muddle, add ice & water.
WATERMELON ROSEMARY -- Add rosemary sprig to jar & muddle. Add 2 cups watermelon cubes; muddle, add ice and water.
General formula for whatever fruit/herb combo you desire.
1. If using herbs, add a sprig of fresh herbs to jar/pitcher; press and twist with muddler or handle of wooden spoon to bruise leaves and release flavor; don't pulverize the herbs into bits.
2. Add approx. 2 cups of fruit to jar/pitcher; press and twist with muddler or handle of wooden spoon, just enough to release some of the juices
3. Fill jar/pitcher with ice cubes.
4. Add water to top of jar/pitcher.
5. Cover and refrigerate for up to 3 days.
Suggested flavor combinations:
ALL CITRUS (no herbs) -- Slice 1 orange, 1 lime, 1 lemon into rounds, then cut the rounds in half. Add to jar and proceed with muddling, add ice & water.
RASPBERRY LIME (no herbs) -- Quarter 2 limes; with your hands, squeeze the juice into the jar, then throw in the squeezed lime quarters. Add 2 cups raspberries. Muddle, add ice & water.
PINEAPPLE MINT -- Add a sprig of mint to the jar (you can throw in the whole sprig; or, remove the leaves from the sprig, if you prefer to have the mint swimming around and distributing in the jar). Muddle the mint. Add 2 cups pineapple pieces, muddle, add ice & water.
BLACKBERRY SAGE -- Add sage sprig to jar and muddle. Add 2 cups blackberries; muddle, add ice & water.
WATERMELON ROSEMARY -- Add rosemary sprig to jar & muddle. Add 2 cups watermelon cubes; muddle, add ice and water.
Friday, August 31, 2018
How many of you that are changing your lifestyle realize there are people in your life that don't fit in with the direction you are moving?
Sunday, March 9, 2014
Garlicky Kale A'la SuRae
Kale, Kale the gangs all here
~thinly sliced red onion brings in a beautiful color
~thin rings from the small multi colored sweet peppers
~shreaded carrots
~broccoli slaw (bagged shreaded broccoli stems)
~pine nuts
~halved or quartered grape/cherry tomatoes
~smokehouse black pepper for a garlicky/smoky flavor and delightful smell
~Worcestershire sauce about a teaspoon
~minced garlic added to the bag (for that True Garlic Bite)
Now these are added in as a single item or maybe a couple to add to the overall serving presentation. I invite you to experiment and make this your own.
- 1 bunch raw kale, washed, de-stemmed and dried
- 2 Tablespoons tahini (this can be lessened or omitted)
- 2 Tablespoons apple cider vinegar (or water)
- 2 Tablespoons lemon juice
- 2 Tablespoons Bragg’s liquid aminos
- 4 Tablespoons nutritional yeast
- 2 teaspoons minced garlic (1 – 2 cloves of garlic)
- sesame seeds, to taste as garish (optional)
- Break or cut kale into bite size pieces and place in a large ziplock bag.
- Puree all ingredients except kale and sesame seeds in a blender or food processor to blend the dressing.
- Pour dressing into bag with kale, pressdown and remove excess air and zip closed. Massage the bag well until all pieces of kale are coated. massaging and squeezing will allow kale to break down and appear as cooked once served
- Let the bag sit in the fridge for an hour or so to marinate. You can skip this step if you need to eat right away, but allowing some time to marinate will add to the wilt from massaging the kale.
- Sprinkle on some sesame seeds before serving if so desired.
~thinly sliced red onion brings in a beautiful color
~thin rings from the small multi colored sweet peppers
~shreaded carrots
~broccoli slaw (bagged shreaded broccoli stems)
~pine nuts
~halved or quartered grape/cherry tomatoes
~smokehouse black pepper for a garlicky/smoky flavor and delightful smell
~Worcestershire sauce about a teaspoon
~minced garlic added to the bag (for that True Garlic Bite)
Now these are added in as a single item or maybe a couple to add to the overall serving presentation. I invite you to experiment and make this your own.
Way Number two to Ditch the Poo
Wash your hair with a shampoo replacement.
- For curly or wavy hair that isn't oily: Distribute a conditioner on your entire scalp and massage your scalp with the tips of your fingers. This will cleanse the scalp of any dirt and get rid of dandruff. Then rinse thoroughly. You only need to do this step every other day to once a week.
- For straight hair or hair that's oily: Consider using home remedies in place of harsh shampoos. All of these still may be a little drying to the hair so be sure to condition afterwards.
- Baking Soda Mix: Baking soda is also known as sodium bicarbonate. It is sold in most supermarkets, health food stores and similar places. Before showering, combine one tablespoon baking soda with one cup warm or hot water in a plastic bottle and shake thoroughly. Work into the hair and comb through. Rinse thoroughly with water then follow with a vinegar rinse to condition your hair.
- 'Apple Cider Vinegar or Distilled White Vinegar Rinse: This of course, smells like vinegar. Don't worry though; once you have rinsed your hair the smell will go away. If it doesn't, you are using too much vinegar. Combine one to two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with one cup water in plastic bottle. Work into the hair and comb through. Rinse thoroughly.
- Lemon Juice: Combine the juice of one lemon with an equal amount of your normal or home made conditioner. Work into the hair and if you can, comb through. If not, simply rinse thoroughly.
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