About Me

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I live on purpose. Meaning, I have a purposeful life. Nearly 28 years in every branch of the United States Army. Successful business owner, Avid student, Insightful teacher, Staunch Advocate, Fierce competitor and overall Social butterfly. I am a full-time teacher and student, I give as good as I get while continually evolving into what I will actually be known and remembered for once I no longer grace the visible plane. Learning vicariously through the actions of others has served me well, and helped me to get immersed in a vast arena of pursuits over the years. I cherish my internal solitude, while nourishing my social butterfly nature. I simply. . . AM! As said by Yoda. . . Do, or do not do. There is no try. So, Eat live to live well, sing like you're in the shower, dance like no ones watching, love like you've never been hurt and eat the rainbow without counting calories.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

OMEGA 2300 HP Blender

Whoo-Hoo, this baby rocks.  Okay, I like it.  two things. 
thing one, it is quieter than the Vita-Mix.
thing two, I absolutely adore the shape and the size of the beaker.

So, this blender comes in 110V (220V is being manufactured) - Can't wait.
Hits you at about $330.00 w/shipping. $250 to $350 lower than Vitamix and Blendtec.

I believe it comes in colors too, the one I used I bought for a colleague of mine and she LET me use for the class, I had an unfortunate event with my Vita-Mix a few days ago and I thought I was sunk!!  But, Jenn came to the rescue.  Yay!! Jenn!!!

SO, if you are interested in getting these in AAFES here.  Let the manager know that you WILL pay $300.00 for a HP blender.  Let your friends know, let everyone that needs a modification to their diet know, even tell those that you would not think would even know what a smoothie is (LOL) that this HP Blender ROCKS!!  It can make everything from soup to Ice Cream. 

Please look at the previous posts for plenty of recipes, as well, sign on as a follower so you can get in on all the RAWsomeness that STUTTGART can stand from the Divine Chef V...

As I sign off for the night I would submit to you, If you don't know what you're eating, who does then?

Eat to live. 

Also check me out on FaceBook.  Eat live to look good in the RAW!!

I remain. . . RAWsome!

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